I use following methods

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses mostly on identification and change of negative thinking patterns (cogitatio in Latin) and change of behavior (behavior in English).
CBT is quite structured, goal-focused and requires active approach from the client.

While the therapist is an expert in therapeutic methods, the client is the '"expert" on their own problems: the therapeutic effect can be achieved through the active involvement of both participants working together. CBT is demonstrably the most effective method for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, anxiety, panic disorders, etc.

Schema therapy

Schema therapy is sometimes referred to as the third wave of cognitive-behavior therapy and combines elements of psychoanalysis, attachment theory, and more.

Unlike CBT, which primarily focuses on changing current behavior and thinking, schema therapy works with early childhood memories and beliefs about oneself that were formed during childhood and adolescence. It uses techniques from other psychotherapeutic approaches, such as imagery, role-playing, etc. Schema therapy methods are particularly suitable for personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, as well as anxiety and depression.

Positive psychotherapy & coaching 

Positive psychotherapy and coaching focus
on working with internal resources (strengths), helping to strengthen gratitude, mindfulness,
and addressing trauma and life values. 

This approach is suitable for personal growth, strengths-based coaching, boosting self-confidence, and assertiveness and many other problems, be it with adults or children and adolescents.

My theoretical approach is integrative, meaning I draw on a range of theories and techniques to tailor therapy to best suit the person's needs. 

I work under supervision.


Since 2024    
private therapist

Since 2024
therapist, psychologist, Elpira

Since 2024

therapist, Sanite

Since 2023
methodological support, trainer of the program "Bez obav" , Národní ústav duševního zdraví

Since 2023    
therapist, healthcare psychologist, Kognitera

Since 2023   
founder, lecturer Pozitivně k dětem

2023 – 2024     
HR Director, CREDITAS Group

2020 – 2023     
HR Manager, Talent Management, Learning & Development, ČSOB

2019 – 2020       
Change Manager, KBC Group

2018 – 2019       
Group Operational Risk Manager, KBC Group

2009 – 2018       
HR Project Manager, Advisor, KBC Group

2009 – 2011       
HR Manager KBC Asset Management Central Europe

2004 – 2008     
HR Consultant, psychologist


since 2023 till now
Schema Therapy Training, Schema Therapy Associates, UK 

Healthcare psychologist, Institute for postgraduate medical education

Low intensity cognitive behavioral therapy, ACT+ Institut

Positive Psychology Coach, Positive Acorn, USA

Positive Psychology MasterClass, UK

VIA Character Strenghts, USA

Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Coursera

Korn Ferry / Hay Leadership Tools 

IPMA Certified Project Manager 

Master of Business Administration, VŠE

Master degree in psychology, Palackého University in Olomouc

I am a regular member of

Contact me


Pivovarská 170/3, 266 01 Beroun-Beroun 1


+ 420 705 107 559

